There is no other moment. It may sound simplistic, but nonetheless it is true, and when we really connect with that truth, it can bring us fully into the moment. When we fully land in a moment without feeling or thinking that there may be a better time or place than this one, we suddenly come to our senses. We are fully there and available, ready to connect with and appreciate whatever we see. ~ Michael Wood

Miksang Contemplative Photography

What is Miksang?

Can you recognize the truth of your own experience of seeing, free of concepts, thoughts, and preferences?
Miksang Photography is based on authentic visual experience expressed exactly as seen—True to Life.


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Quotes by Chögyam Trungpa


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Learn Miksang

Learn to fully engage your eye, mind and heart in the present moment, see the world as it manifests, and express what you see with your camera.

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