This August – October Michael Wood and Julie DuBose will be offering an in-depth, on-line Zoom workshop consisting of 10 classes, one per week, which will take students through the first two foundational courses of Miksang Training. These two courses- “Opening the Good Eye: The Mechanics of Seeing” and “Making Contact: Relaxing This, Discovering THAT,” are fundamental to the practice and understanding of Miksang Contemplative Photography.

The first part of the Foundational course begins with Opening the Good Eye: The Mechanics of Seeing, how we can see our world as it actually is without imposing our ideas, preferences, and interpretations upon our experience of seeing. We learn to see, understand and express our visual experience genuinely and authentically through visual exercises and assignments that train us to develop a state of mind of visual awareness; stillness, openness, and receptivity.

The second part of the Foundational course , Making Contact: Relaxing This, Discovering “THAT” explores seeing beyond the central reference of “me” or “this”, so that our experience of seeing is no longer mediated and filtered through our personal database of what we like, don’t like, or ignore. Seeing becomes a unified experience of direct, naked, visual connection with our world. We are becoming visually aware in our life. 

We hope that offering these two courses together will:

  • Allow you to plan your schedule in advance to accommodate the entire 10 week schedule.  
  • Provide enough continuity to integrate what is being presented into your experience of seeing.
  • There are only 1 space available for the in-person on-line Zoom workshop.

General Information / Requirements

• As part of this workshop you will be introduced to a series of visual practices developed by Michael Wood called “Settling into Awareness”. As we say in Miksang, “Seeing is a State of Mind.” These practices are the way into direct seeing. You will find them to be amazingly effective ways to develop visual awareness. 

It is essential that participants read Opening the Good Eye, by Michael Wood,
 prior to the beginning of the workshop.

      • The book is available for purchase at: http://openingthegoodeyebook.com/buy/

• You will be photographing assignments and doing visual exercises during the week. It is important that you have room in your schedule during the week to do the visual practices (around 30-40 minutes a day) and assignments (around three one-hour periods during the week). Consider this time essential to your learning process.

• You will need to have a good working relationship with your camera or iPhone.
• We do not provide technical help with all the various models available.

• For more questions about technical, camera, and computer matters, check out Course FAQ’s.

      •  Class meetings are 1.5-2 hours on Sundays

NOTE: If you live outside the North American or the United Kingdom Time Zones, and the time difference would make it not possible to take part in the live online course, you can participate through our self-study full participation option. You would watch the class videos and participate through submitting your own assignment images for review by us during the live class meetings

Here are the dates:

Part One                    

July 28
August 4
August 11
August 18
August 25

BREAK – September 1 Labor Day

Part Two
September 8
September 15
September 22
September 29
October 6

Here are the times in Daylight Saving Time
Class times depend on location of registrations

9am Pacific
10am Mountain
11am Central
12pm Eastern
1pm Atlantic
5pm United Kingdom